Alan, one half of the duo who created the popular, infamous and now venerable 'Torture Garden' club night. A marvellous DJ and stylish, trendsetting pierced gentleman. This particular portrait was taken 15 years ago . . . I wonder what Alan looks like now???
Please feel free to email or call me if there's anything you want to know. David
I've been a portrait photographer at my studio in east Dulwich for 17 years. I decided at the beginning that I wanted to keep things relaxed and low key which is why I work from home - most of us feel less intimidated when the setting is just like visiting friends. Quality of the highest level in eveything I do has always been my motto and guiding principle as a photographer. Please check out my review/portraits gallery for customers comments! David
beautiful photographs - exceptional prints
or to request a price list and brochure please contact or call David at 020 8693 3925
Family Portraits
David Randall-Goddard
I've been photographing this young lady yearly, ever since she was a small child . . . what a privilege! She looks as if from another time and place.
photographing south London since 1998.